April 22, 2006

1:30-3:30 pm

Snell Library 217

Northeastern University
Boston, MA

"One day in April of 1977, Wilga came my class to evaluate my fledgling language teaching.  She had a cold and sniffled and sneezed her way through the entire hour.  As she hurried to her next clas, she grimaced and told me to be in her office the following morning at eleven. I assumed my career was over before it began. I arrived at her office precisely at eleven, and for an hour, we talking about everything but my teaching.  I figured I was done for, but with nothing to lose, I blurted out, "But what did you think of my teaching?"  "I loved it!" was the reply, and with that my career was launched."                       
                                                                                   Steve Sadow
        Carolyn Fidelman and I think this would be a fitting moment for all of us to get together and talk about Wilga.  We are not planning a formal program, though we may read from Wilga's writings.  Rather, we ask that you come with at least one anecdote about you and Wilga. We'll talk about events, articles, books and careers that Wilga inspired.  Snapshots, your worn copies of her books, little known secrets about Wilga, well known preferences of Wilga, places Wilga never went (none known)-will all be appreciated.
           The Snell Library is back from Huntington Avenue near the Curry Student Center.  See you there.
                                                       Steve and Carolyn
This meeting will also give us a chance to see each other again after too long.  That would please Wilga.

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